Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What Program do I need to attend (Level I or Level II)?

 Your history of DUI/DWI arrests, circumstances of current arrest (blood alcohol, etc.) and your score when you completed a chemical health evaluation [Rule 25] will determine which program you are required to attend per your probation requirements.

Do we read in class?

 Reading is not mandatory, participation is required during class discussions also your class attendance and completion of assignments are required.

Can I miss a class?

Class attendance is mandatory. Sometimes emergency’s may happen which would keep you from attending a class. A phone call and inform the instructor as soon as possible and inform him/her of your absence. All missed classes must be signed and approved by your instructor. Missed classes must be made up and unexcused absence(s) can effect your status and may result in grounds for dismissal from the program. Dismissal from the program will have a negative effect on your probation.

Can I come to multiple classes a week?

You will not be able to take more than one class a week. The Driving With Care curriculum has been developed for students to complete the program going though the book 1 chapter at a time. This will give the student time to process information learned that week.